Hello There! My name is,

Jacob Kiesel.

I make things that live on the internet

2.About Me

I'm Jacob Kiesel, a front end dev based in Austin, TX. I got my start with HTML and CSS trying to make my myspace page look cool. Fast-forward a few years and that hobby has developed into a passion. I've had the pleasure to work on a few projects for local bands and build projects for my own personal use.

Technologys I use and love

• Javascript ES6+ • HTML5 • CSS3 • React

3. Projects

Run Planner and Log

An app designed and developed to help track running progress. Utilizes the openWeatherMap API as well as the LeafletJS API. I designed this to be responsive but the LeafletJS API has a hard time with touch control.

Bug Tracker

A bug tracker utilizing localStorage to create, read, update and delete logs of bug within projects I'm working on.

A.D. Flowers Brochure

HTML and markup all made from scratch mainly seen as a learning tool for CSS.
Through this project I learned and implemented responsivness through CSS media querys.

4.Contact Me
